This is Jason and Agnieszka's corner of the internet. We'll keep people updated with our travels, culinary adventures, and general mischief that we tend to get ourselves into.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

D is for Denmark III

Danish Danish Posted by Picasa

D is for Denmark II

Danish meatballs, Danish creamed Kale. Posted by Picasa

D is for Denmark

Danish Lox, Danish butter, Danish Beer, Dill, Green Onion, Bread. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Look like anyone we know?

named Luna Posted by Picasa

It is coming right at you!!!

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Monday, July 24, 2006

The second act...

Is worth the wait.... Posted by Picasa

Grilled Salmon

With Aioli sauce, artichoke and a salad. 7/10 bubble gum wrappers. Posted by Picasa

C is for Cuba

Drink; Cuba Libre (rum and coke with lime)
Eat; shredded pork, black beans, mashed plantains and a salad. Posted by Picasa

Aga enjoys CA as well

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This is why I moved to California

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B is for Bulgaria

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And no for something completely different!

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Afghani side dish #2

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Afghanistan side dish

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A is for Afghanistan

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